Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Excuse Me, I’m In Recovery

David Hunter Bishop


I’m flying out of Mexico to Alexandria, Virginia, on Monday morning to get a Covid-19 vaccination.

It’s the same flight that I was forced to rebook last month after testing positive for Covid prior to boarding.

Turns out there was some benefit to getting infected last month, especially without any illness or symptoms.

All I had to do was quarantine for 10 days and that’s been more or less my daily routine here in Mèrida for most of the pandemic, anyway.

And as a result of being infected and never getting sick, I discovered that I could get a “Letter of Recovery” from a doctor that allows me to fly again without taking another test.

It sounds wacky to me but it’s CDC-approved and United Airlines concurs. I checked and checked and double-checked.

Now, when I get to the gate, all I do is present my letter from the doctor and my report of last month’s positive test, along with the standard attestation form from me saying it’s all true, and board my plane.

No expensive throat and nose swabs (the doctor’s letter cost only about $25), and no risk of another positive test screwing up my plans again.

Does it sound too good to be true? Wish me luck!



David Hunter Bishop

A retired career journalist from Hawaii, seven years a solo world traveler, now hunkered down since December, in New Jersey, writing a memoir.